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5-6 days in Yellowstone in August w/ light hiking

0 replies

11 Years ago

Hi all, I'm a mid-30 guy living in the US. I'm now planning a 1-week travel to Yellowstone in August. Originally I was going to go with my friend, but recently something (not bad one, though!) happened to him, so he couldn't make it this time. Now I'm starting over my travel plan. So, I'm quite open to any type of travel, but I prefer some light hiking rather than simple driving + base touching + picture taking etc. I'm not an experienced hiker nor backpacker, but love adventures. If anyone finds this interesting, plz feel free to contact me via bluecubbie (at) gmail (dot) com p.s. : If time permits, I also hope to look around some old battle fields like Little Bighorn and Wounded Knee. But this is just extra.

Looking for a third peroson

1 replies

12 Years ago

Hi,There are two of us for the tour 3 days Niagara, Washington, Philadelphia. We are looking for the third person to get the promotion pay 2 get one free. If anyone wants to join us, to share the room and the charge please email me. We are going on 11 th May

10 days Eurotrip

0 replies

12 Years ago,

Canada from september 17th through september 23rd.

0 replies

12 Years ago

planning on going to vancouvar and take a tour from there.

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