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"I lost my dog"

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6 Years ago

I recently lost my dear brother, Dominique. He ran away from home and was nowhere to be found for almost 2 months. He used to be an avid traveller and a great explorer, so I am suspecting he might have gone to relieve his mind, abroad. Please contact me via e-mail if anyone here in this portal knows him. Here are some of his details: Dominique Wong Fook Jian / 22-y-o / Malaysian Chinese / Has quite fair complexion with some SERIOUS dimples / Dimples may be outstanding because he might lose weight / Approx. more than 5'8 but not less than 5'8 / Clean hair cut / Have a pair of Onitsuka Tigers trainers / Might be carrying a Gucci sling bag / Always travel with a pair of Rayban shades , olive green bomber, and a pair of big-framed-glasses. If spotted, please email me at cyk.guessjeans@gmail.com


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